Next Camp Dates:
Albany, North Shore, Auckland

APRIL –  5th/6th, 26th/27th

This camp will teach you the essentials to be a faster, safer and better cyclist.

Photo credit: Bettini Photo

What the Riders say:
Descending is honestly like a completely different sport now that I’m more confident. I’m going faster (I hit 70kph yesterday) and my cornering is a ton better. It’s very satisfying to rip through a corner with no brakes and fly out of it. –
Aaron A – (Christchurch)

I would like to say how grateful I am for the inspirational bike camp. So much knowledge and great information you shared that will stay with me for a long time. Thanks so much for the energy and time you put in to share with us , I really appreciated it and it’s so worth the cost, – Katie G – (Nelson)

I learnt heaps – pretty much the ABC of riding in two days! I’ve always seen my height and weight as a disadvantage in climbing- Anthony blew that idea out of the water and taught me how to use them to my advantage.  If there is any course you should do to improve your cycling, this is it. – Mel G – (Nelson)

Thanks for a great weekend camp ! Two awesome rides, first time up the Crown range! Very much appreciated your on road coaching and the detailed knowledge which you shared. –
Paul J – (Arrowtown)

A great weekend, I would encourage anyone wanting to improve their cycling skills to do this practical and informative 2 day camp. – Roy C – (Nelson)

I enjoyed the camp immensely, and experienced positive changes in my riding capabilities during the weekend. Thank you. I definitely recommend this camp. –
Rob R – (Auckland)

I found the camp very useful and the pointers you provided on climbing and cornering really valuable.- Richard J – (Auckland)

Camp Locations:
We meet in various locations New Zealand . Including Albany, North shore,  Auckland, Rotorua/Taupo, Bay Of Plenty, Queenstown, Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin. If you have a group of 6 or more riders, I will come to your location/town or city.

Climbing and Descending and Cornering: Some questions and thoughts to consider.

Are you frustrated and tired of getting left behind on the climbs?
Have you considered it might be possible to go faster with your current fitness level?

Climbing faster has a lot to do with body technique, your bike set up and your mental attitude. Descending faster comes with body technique, bike handling and confidence. Cornering faster and safer is a combination of technique, body language, timing, braking and choosing the right lines.










This special Cycling 101 Climbing/Descending/Cornering Camp is suited to almost all riders and abilities. We wait for any slower riders at the top of all climbs and regroup. This camp intensive will address all Key elements and information and much more to have you going faster Up and Down without necessarily training more kilometres. The Camp focus is on solely on climbing short and long climbs in and out of the saddle and learning how to descend safely at speed. You will learn secrets gained from more than 2 decades of racing and training to give you the advantage in any situation. This camp will get you tuned up for any other hilly cycle challenge events and road/stage races.

Topics covered:
Body position/Bike fit (encompassing shoes/seat/handle bars)
Standing positions/seated positions
Brakes/hoods and braking
Climbing positions (5 styles)
Descending positions
Cornering safely at speed, choosing lines and technique
Effort/Pacing and much, much more

Please Note: This camp is for all levels of fun sport riders and racers. But all riders are expected to have some level of fitness and be able to currently average 22kph for a 3 hr ride (66k).

Your coach:
Anthony Mortimore is an ex professional road cyclist with 20+ years racing experience, including competing Internationally in North America/Europe for 10 years in more than 1000 events.

10 years on the Professional  racing circuit in USA and Canada, including 5 USA Professional road cycling championships.  A season in Europe which included major events such as the Tour of Spain (La Vuelta), Criterium du Dauphine Libre, Midi Libre, and Tour du Laude (France) as well as the Tour of Luxembourg.

He has coached more than 300 riders at this camp.

Get a group of riders together for an informative and ride changing weekend.

Climbing Descending Cornering Camp Program.
The camp meets for 2 days (Saturday and Sunday).
Saturday: 8am – 10am Orientation and introduction, Bike/Body position check and adjustments), Ride approx 3hrs, Mini Yoga/stretching session. Finish 3.30pm approx
Sunday: Ride approx 4hrs 8am – 11.30pm. Camp Q and A, Nutrition Supplement and Sports Supplement recommendations, Training talk/discussion. Camp finish 3.30pm approx

Note: Starting times on the Sunday are flexible and subject to change. This is a Road cycling camp. All riders must have a road bike with clip in pedal systems.

Camp Fee: $300  (2+ riders)
Total 12 + hours coaching, training and instruction. Limited to 9 riders per session so you get personalized instruction.
Payment details will be emailed to you when you are confirmed for your chosen camp date weekend.

Group Rider Requests. Travel to Coach You Fees:
If you have a group of 6 or more riders, I will come to you from Auckland to your New Zealand location/town or city.
North Island Locations ($350 per rider).
South Island Locations ($450 per rider)


Let us know your preferred  dates,  Fill in this form below.

What more riders say:

Fab weekend thanks Anthony,Still processing everything I’ve learnt but wanted to say a big thanks, it was a very informative, interesting and entertaining weekend.
Kellie P  –  (New Zealand)

Just to say a big thank you for your help in getting me to the start line confidently and more importantly to the finish line of the Gold Coast Peaks Challenge.  Was a brilliant day and I loved every second of it. Weather was perfect.  I completed it in 9.49 which I was happy with. I was completely expecting to do it just under 11. Thanks again for your help, I descended like a champion.
Belinda S

Just wanted to say a HUGE thanks for a fantastic camp over the weekend. I am feeling more confident for 3 peaks Thanks so much for the riding plan for 3 Peaks.
Steve U

Thank you so much for all of that useful information and advice: will attempt to put it to good use. I really enjoyed the weekend camp, and your advice is much appreciated. Thanks again.
Peter C.

Thanks for sending the old strategy message  After having done the 3 Peaks ride once, I’m impressed at how accurate your suggestions are. I’ll be following them again, but this time I should be going into it a great deal stronger. I set a couple of PB on downhills here on Thursday, and close to a PB on the ascent, so the Climbing Descending camp has got my Mojo back.
Ian S

Thanks for the great training. The bike set-up was previously all wrong. It was like trying to ride up a hill on a Stair-Master, whilst towing the lounge and all the Bling don’t mean a thing, unless you have the right technique. Thanks for opening my eyes and sorting it out. Will certainly spread the word. Hope to come back again next year.
Billy T

Just a short note to say once again a big THANK YOU for the so very valuable tuition/time/bike set up. I think this course should be compulsory/essential to any one riding a road bike. You taught me so much in 2 days and I feel I learned so much and I am very appreciative for your support and feel privileged to have done this camp with you.

After completing the climbing and descending course my riding has improved dramatically with no extra training! Anthony’s techniques for riding uphill have made climbing a breeze.  I used to think I needed to add a few extra gears to my bike as I always ran out of gears.  Now I rarely use the two lowest gears anymore! My downhill speed has also increased as I am a lot more confident going down steep and winding roads. Thank you so much for offering this course.  I highly recommend it to any cyclist.

I just wanted to say a big thanks for all the help and encouragement you gave me while on the 12 week training camp! It is amazing how much you helped improve my cycling! Highlights of the camp: Meeting a fantastic group of people and forming some great friendships. Learning about techniques, nutrition and tactics
Getting up Mountain Road (Waitakere ranges ,Auckland)
The time that I attacked and dropped you going down a hill… not that I’m competitive or anything! The alterations you made to my bike … they were like “night and day”. The subtle comment you made to “leave my three-ring bike at home.” This made me laugh- but I am so glad I did change!The fantastic race times I achieved as a result of this camp

I’m just emailing you to say that your climbing camp was the best preparation for K1.  I was not at all confident about getting up all of the K1 hills but I actually had no problems and never had to even consider getting off and walking (but some people did).  I actually passed people on every hill.  I started off very conservatively and still had lots left to get back to Thames.  So next time I know that I could start off much harder.  Thanks for your input and I think that my cycling has improved.

Thanks for all your help on the camp.  I have found all your tips and info to be hugely beneficial.

Hi Anthony
Did you get down to Taranaki? Fantastic day and really good conditions. We both had excellent rides, trouble free and got with good bunches and hung in there. More than pleased with our times for 150km. Your training schedule had us for 5hrs15 and we both did 4hrs 38m (an awesome feeling). Christine finished 2nd in her grade so we have celebrated, your coaching has paid off for us both. After last year I was determined and we both felt really good throughout the ride although at times you wonder if you can keep the pace on, but we did. It really is worth all the effort when you finish feeling on such a high. Thanks
Alan and Christine

I would like to thank you very much for the last climbing camp. I am more than convinced of the techniques, tips, general information you have given me will benefit a wide range of riders, as it has help me improve in leaps and bounds over a 4 week period.  My best time up Wrights Rd before the Climbing Camp was approx 7:44, now 7:07, so that has a lot to do with your advice and tips. Thanks heaps for your hard work. Regards,

I Have really enjoyed the programme so far and feel I have learnt heaps which is already making a difference.  I no longer hate hills!
Thanks for your encouragement and support.  I look forward to trying out wrights road again and beating my time. Riding continues to be fun and more enjoyable with the changes you suggested on the hills.  Really enjoyed the course and you did make a difference. Regards,

Thank you for all your efforts with the climbing camp I enjoyed it very much and certainly gained a lot of excellent pointers and one or two very valuable lessons. Please keep in touch as I would be interested in participating in any future camps that you run. Hopefully when we meet again you will notice a big improvement in my riding style. Regards,

I really enjoyed the climbing camp, learned a lot and had good fun doing it. I’ll be trying Wright Road every now and again to check progress! Regards

Just thought I would thank you for the camp I have found it very refreshing and professional. I will put it into practice over the next couple of months. Had a chuckle on the way home thinking about the Rabbit hill. Perhaps this year I will get out of the seat to climb it. Regards