Thanks for your interest joining our Email and SMS mailing list:

First things first, Please Add summerofcyclingevents [at] to your email safe list or you may not receive any info from us.  We are using mail chimp for all cycling related email waves. We send out one email to you every month (sometimes twice a month if close to an upcoming event). We also send SMS TXT reminders to your mobile from time to time.

Please use a current and correct personal email address (that is active and not overloaded with mail). If you use your work or company email address and you never receive any email from us, (you have been dumped off the list) its because your work mail marshal has not permitted the delivery of our email. Please No info@ or admin@ addresses please.

If your email address changes, please email anthony[at] and I will update. Thanks.

Road riders , Mountain Bikers , Trail Runners and those folks interested in South American Cycling Tours (Road and Mountain bike and Trail running) can all join the mailing list from this form below.

Our join up form is secure from spam harvesters.
We will keep you up to date with all of our events and tours.
We will not share your email addresses and information with anyone.

I'm interested in:
(Hold Ctrl down to make multiple selections)